General terms and conditions

  • A program is concluded for a period of 6 months (six month contract) or 12 months (annual contract), and begins on the agreed starting date, set by both parts. At the end the period, the teacher will feedback and discuss with the pupil about the results and achieved goals on the instrument. A new program can then be initiated if requested by the pupil.

  • A year contract weekly includes 40 lessons, a year contract biweekly includes 20 lessons, a half year contract weekly includes 20 lessons and a half year contract fortnightly includes 10 lessons, to be spread on agenda with the teacher through the period of the program. No lessons are scheduled during the school vacations as determined for the Rotterdam region :

    For the school year 2023/2024, the vacations are as follows :

    Autumn break : Saturday 14th of October until Sunday 22th of October 2023

    Christmas Holidays : Saturday 23th of December 2023 untill Sunday 7th of January 2024

    Spring Break : Saturday 17th of February to Sunday 25th of February 2024

    May Holiday : Saturday 27th of April to Sunday 5th of May 2024

    Summer vacations : Saturday 13th July to Sunday 25th August 2024

    For the 2023/2024 school year, official free days are as follows :

    Sunday, January 1st, 2024

    Friday, March 29th, 2024

    Sunday, March 31st, 2024

    Monday, April 1st, 2024

    Saturday, April 27th, 2024

    Sunday, May 5th, 2024

    Thursday, May 9th, 2024

    Sunday, May 19th, 2024

    Monday, May 20th, 2024

    Wednesday, December 25th, 2024

    Thursday, December 26th, 2024

  • The student is expected to prepare for the classes and practice the material taught, This is essential to develop his/her skills and level on the instrument. The student will also be taught on his/her own instrument.

  • The lessons will be given either at the teacher's location or at the student's home. In the latter case, extra travelling costs will be asked to the student.

  • Tuition, regardless of the number of classes taken in a month, will be collected in 12 or 6 equal monthly amounts via monthly direct debit at the end of each month, or prepaid prior to the beginning of the program.

  • A planned lesson can be cancelled or postponed, provided it is done by phone, app or email at least one week before the scheduled date and time. In that case the lesson will be made up in mutual agreement at a later date or time. If the lesson is cancelled within less than a week, but there is an urgent reason on the part of the student, then the teacher may decide to postpone the lesson or catch it up.

    For practical reasons, not more than 3 lessons can be caught up this way through a program.

    If the lesson is cancelled for reasons attributable to the teacher, the lesson will always be caught up. Restitution of the lesson fee will however not take place.

    Outside of the cancellation policy of the whole program, there will be no refund of the tuition fee. If at the end of a program less lessons than the total amount of lessons have been followed, the remaining lessons are caught up after the end of the contract, by mutual agreement. For practical reasons, not more than 3 lessons can be caught up this way after a program.

  • If the teacher cancels the lesson, but so late that the student is already at the location, the teacher is obliged to reimburse the student the reasonable travel costs from and to the lesson location incurred by the student for the lesson, after specifying and providing proof of the travel expenses, with a maximum of € 15, - per lesson. In case of lessons at the student's home, this rule does not apply.

  • The content and material used during the lessons is protected by copyright laws. It cannot be used for commercial purposes by others.

  • Participating in the lessons is at the risk of the student, also with regard to damage to the student's instrument. The student is liable for damage to instruments or equipment of the teacher or third parties.

  • Dutch law is applicable to this agreement. Only the court in Rotterdam is authorized to take cognizance of claims.

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