Nothing is wizardry, everything can be learned!

And we will do it together, with fun, attention and a personal touch

Alex Vansalen, guitar teacher in Rotterdam


You are at the center of my method. It's all about taking you further in your guitar playing. The basic skills? You already have them, but the question is how to advance and grow. How can you develop skills and combine pleasure ? As a composer and musician I work with music every day and I know what music can mean and bring about. As a teacher, I know that practice and development is crucial. Making music is something magical, but not magic. more info >>


We look together for a way that suits you. My lessons are not limited to one style. We go through musical genres. Classical, pop, jazz, blues, rock, funk, reggae, Latin and world music; it is precisely from the diversity of musical styles that you can develop your technique in different ways. I experienced this many times during my own studies in Rotterdam. As an arranger, I know that a tailor-made guitar score can support the lessons. I therefore work with my own arrangements that fit the lessons. We meet (bi-)weekly on location. In preparation of the lessons I send you video tutorials and I give you 'homework' which allows you to take new steps at your own pace between lessons. more info >> 

Guitar lessons

At the beginning of our music lessons, I always go back to the basics with you. What is your guitar posture ? How do you handle tone, timing and rhythmic feeling ? What have you taught yourself and do you do in your own way ? Where are the issues you feel in your progress in your guitar playing ? We make a plan and start working with guitar techniques such as fingerpicking and plectrum techniques, strumming, grooves, interpretation and improvisation. You and I play guitar in our lesson and we combine experiential learning with theory and knowledge of music. more info >> 

The guitar teacher

I will not claim that playing guitar is easy. In the more than 30 years that I have been playing guitar and the many years that I have been playing as a professional musician, I have learned that two things are important : perseverance and fun. It is precisely these elements that I combine in the way I work. From these elements we will make sure that the fingers of your left hand play the neck of the guitar independently and smoothly, we will develop the strength necessary to hold the barre position on the fretboard and thus play the notes and chords that make the music. We're going to get your left and right hands working in sync together to create music that is magical via (complex) chord changes. more info >>


- Yori, 32

" Guitar lessons with Alex are super informative, I really learn a lot and he can really sense what your level is. The lessons are very informal and fun to go through the material together. .. "

- Aleks, 20

" Alex explains everything very well, I always enjoy coming to the lessons. He does everything at your own pace, step by step. ... "

- Rajeev, 24

" Alex helped me a lot with everything, especially with unlearning mistakes and with technique. He is very nice and explains very well, and I am very glad I chose him. .. "

- Jort, 12

" I really like it because I learn fast from my guitar teacher, he explains very well and I always enjoy coming to the lessons. .. "

- Sabien, 62

" Experienced, enthusiastic and knowledgeable guitar teacher, Alex always makes me feel that learning to play guitar is worthwhile. His love and passion for guitar motivate and inspire me greatly. .. "